Friday, June 20, 2008

Speaking Like a Kerr

There is nothing more adorable than the way your kids misprounounce words. I wanted to remember some of them so I'm writing them down and sharing them with you.


"Chicken" = Kitchen (also the meat, Chicken)

"Pie-Yets" = Pirates

"Two-Ma-Yo" = Tomorrow

"Wizard" = Lizard
"Pewter" = Computer

"Playhouse Dingy" = Playhouse Disney (Disney Channel)

"Woobie" = Movie

"I Wub You"


"Ton-Ter" = Hunter

"My-Nee" = Mylie

"Dee-Tee" = Binky

"Tay-Too" = Thank You

"Jess" = Yes

"Deuce" = Juice

"No-Nah" = Princess Fiona (from Shrek, her favorite movies)

"D'it" = You Do It

"Wah You" = Love You


"Wahhhhh" = I'm Hungry

"Wahhhhh" = I want to be held

"Wahhhhh" = My brother and sister are bugging me

Now you can speak like a Kerr!


The ZamFam said...

I am so picture their cute little faces as I am reading the pronunciations. So flipping cute!

Gene and Susie said...

Wahhhhh = I miss you
Wahhhhh = I love you all
Wahhhhh = When do I get to see you?
Wahhhhh = I need a grandie fix

That's Nani Kerr talk!!!!!

Jodie said...

Little people talk is the cutest. I love to watch older videos of the kids and listen to their voices. Great post!

Nunazuna said...

So totally cute!!! I'm so glad that you've preserved this memory.

B Kerr Fam said...

HAHAHA!!! That is great. As I am reading this post I can hear your kids voices in my head. I miss your kids and the interaction with them. The sports with Hunter, the hugs and mooching from Kora and just holding and talking to Mylie. Oh...I miss you and Kelly too :)