Friday, May 29, 2009

What's Going On?

The month of May has somehow come and gone. When I started our family blog my original intention was to keep a scrapbook of sorts to help remind me of all the fun things that happens in our lives while at the same time share with family and friends. Somehow our blog is being neglected as much as our real scrapbooks. So, here is a month in review...

In the beginning of this month my parents took us bowling. This was the first time for the kids. They loved it. Hunter being "Mr. Independent" decided he didn't need our help and bowled on his own. Kora needed a bit more help but overall, they had a really great time.

The month of May has also been filled with T-Ball every Saturday morning at 9am. Can you believe I forgot to bring a camera to his first game? Here is the baseball star in his full getup. He loves it. He can't wait to play. The games have been fun to watch. It's great to watch the boys (and girls) learn the sport and just have fun.

The rest of the post is pictureless. I can't seem to remember to bring my camera with me lately. It's a habit I would like to improve.

Over Memorial Weekend we decided to go up to Minden, Nevada and visit with Kelly's Nani & Papa. The kids had a great time. This was the first time we went up when the weather was warm. It was a different experience for the kids to actually be able to play outside. The kids love visiting with Nani Jo and Papa. One of the days we were there we decided to walk to the park and play baseball. We kept telling the kids it looked like it was going to rain so before we left Hunter ran to the garage and brought an umbrella. About 20 minutes into playing at the park it started to sprinkle. By the time we picked up our blankets and balls and started to head back it was no longer sprinkling, it decided to rain. Thanks to the prepared Mr. Hunter some of us had an umbrella to stay dry under. As we were walking back there was a loud shot of thunder. I looked back at Hunter and with eyes wide with terror he whispered "RUN!" I know he was terrified but it was hard not to laugh. I told him it was alright but I don't think believed me.

As for the rest of our little family...Mylie has started signing a few more words. She now signs "More", "Please" and "Thank You". She speaks very little. She says "Hi" and "Da". Mylie is also an official weened baby. I'm loving it! My other 2 weren't quite as hard to ween. I guess she needed the bonding a little more which I was happy to go along with.

Kora...well, Kora is Kora. She is a little pistol. She is a great little girl but sure knows how to test the limits. A few days ago she decided to cut her hair. I tell people this and they tell me I should cut it all the same length. Well, if I were to do that her hair would be as short as Hunter's. She cut a bunch of it about an inch from her scalp. You can't really tell when her hair is down but when I put it in pig tails it pops up. Oh well, it will grow eventually.

Okay, I think that's about it for the month of May. Hope I can keep up a little better from here on out. I hate missing out on the memories and pictures. Every Mom says they will never forget....but some how....we do unless we record it somewhere.


Gene and Susie said...

Great blog, Nicole. I love reading about my grandies and seeing their pictures. You're a good Mom.

Amanda said...

I feel like I haven't blogged in forever but that I don't have much to blog about! As long as you get it written down somewhere eventually right?? Poor Kora's hair!! And yay for Mylie being weened!!!

Nunazuna said...

Hey Nicole! I'm glad you started blogging again. I've missed your family updates. I have been a major blog slacker too. I have things that I want to blog about but I haven't had the time. I also keep forgetting to take my camera anywhere. I feel like it's been 2 months since I've taken a picture. That's a big deal for me!

Jennefer said...

I know exactly what you mean...I always say that I will never forget this experience or that one....but sure enough...I do! I sooo appreciate when I can record anything because it's always wonderful to go back and remember! We too have had hair-cutting incidences....they are sooo fun!

Danielle said...

thanks for the cute update! so sorry about kora's hair! :( your kids look so darling. preslee and kora would have fun together-- and so would parke and hunter!