Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Kora!

Kora's birthday was actually last Saturday, the 22nd. We were in Oceanside last weekend so we planned on celebrating her birthday on the 29th. While we were in Oceanside we took her to Chuck E Cheeses for the first time and she loved it. To top the day off we went to Toys 'r Us and let her pick out a toy. When we asked her what type of Birthday party she wanted she wouldn't hesitate to say "Cinderella"...well, actually pronounced "Si-le-la". In fact, every stranger we met for the last month has been told that she was having a Cinderella party. Well, guess what type of toy she picked out at Toys 'r Us...Snow White. Yeah, never saw that one coming. Even after she picked it out I kept showing her the Cinderella doll thinking she had to be mistaken but no, she wanted Snow White. She loves it and that's all that matters. In fact, she also recently told us that she wants to be Snow White for Halloween. Maybe I'll actually get her costume done early this year since I know so far in advance....lets hope!

As for Kora's party, it was just a small family party. I wasn't sure what kind of cake to make. I thought, maybe a doll cake...didn't know how to do that...then maybe a and then Kelly told me I should make a castle. I had to go online to get some ideas on how to do it and I think it turned out ok. Kora and Hunter actually passed up the cake and ate the frosted ice cream cones instead.

This picture is Kora in a princess dress that she got. I apologize at how blurry and dark it is. I think I need to change the settings on our camera. She loves dressing up. Kora is such a girly girl she loves to be pretty.

Hard to believe my little baby is 3...and starting Pre-School next week. Cherish every minute with your children because they grow up so fast.


Darci said...

Happy Birthday Kora! The castle cake is awesome!!! You did a great job on it.

Gene and Susie said...

If a Ghoulie ever hurts this little princess, I'll have to kill him!!! Thanks for the great party. We love you.

Amanda said...

Happy Birthday Kora!! Wow, you are an amazing cake maker!!! I am very impressed!

The ZamFam said...

Happy birthday beautiful Kora!! We love you!!

Unknown said...

What a fun birthday! You did an awesome job on the cake. We need to plan a Disney trip together, I know Hunter and Blake would get along great.