Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Preschool for Kora

The time has finally come where two of our children are officially in school. Since Hunter started school on August 10th Kora has been anxiously waiting for the day she's a big girl who goes to Hunter's old school (preschool). Hunter started school at 7:45 this morning so when all the kids woke up they all got ready, including Kora(I usually just drag them to the car in their Jammie's on Tuesdays). She was very excited to go to school today asking if I was going to be sad. When Hunter started Kindergarten I told him I was sad because he's growing up. Kora must have heard me and asked me if I was sad she was going to school. Of course I'm sad but excited that she's so excited. After we dropped Hunter off we had about an hour and a half until we needed to drop her off so we went back home to wait. She didn't want to go home, she wanted to go straight to school. I had to convince her that we needed to take pictures and that worked. When it was finally time to go she was ready.

On Hunter's first day of Preschool he had slight separation anxiety. I calmed it by staying for about 10 minutes and usually built a puzzle with him and that seemed to cure everything so I could leave. Kora was the complete opposite. She walked in already knowing the routine and got a puzzle out and started playing with one of the girls. I kept trying to get her attention to say goodbye but she just ignored me. Funny how different kids are. In fact, when I picked Kora up her teacher pointed out how very different Hunter and Kora really are. They said Hunter was always so quiet and Kora was...ummmm...not. She would listen when they told her to do something but even they noticed how different siblings can be. Kora had a great first day of school and can't wait to go back on Thursday.

.....in other news....the cake bandit attacks left over birthday cake. After we got home from Church on Sunday we all went upstairs to get out of our church clothes and change into comfy clothes. When we got downstairs Mylie had climbed on the kitchen table where we left Kora's birthday cake and was eating it. She didn't like being separated from the cake and made sure to let us know it. I just wish I had gotten the chance to take her church dress off first. Oh well, that's what kids do best...make a mess.


Amanda said...

Too cute! Yay Kora! I'm so glad she likes school. I'm sure it makes you feel better about letting her go knowing that she likes it. And what a cute cake bandit!!

The ZamFam said...

Kora cracks me up. That girl can carry on a conversation like no other!! As for your cake bandit...good thing she's cute! Now for the question of the day: What are you and Mylie going to do with both kids at school?????

Gene and Susie said...

Kora looks so darling - and ready to conquer the world. And she will!! Mylie is adorable, and Hunter is my little buddy. Well adjusted children make a Mom's life much easier. The separation anxiety was always more mom than child with me! I wonder if that ever really changes? Enjoy while they're young!!!