Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmastime means Christmas Cookies!

Christmas just isn't Christmas without making a batch of cut-out cookies. The kids love this because they LOVE helping. I tried something different this year with my cut-out cookies. I tried it one other time before and it worked out great. Instead of rolling the dough in flour I rolled it in powdered sugar instead. The texture or flavor of the cookie doesn't change and then there is no white flour mess on the cookie after you bake. I did find that the last batch of cookies didn't make it because I rolled it out too thin. Apparently, when you use sugar instead of flour and you roll it out too thin the cookie will be oversaturated with sugar and get tough. So, easy solution for next time...don't roll it too thin!

The kids helped me mix the dough and helped me roll it out and of course cut. The recipe made a lot of cookies so it was nice that Mylie was taking a nap while her brother and sister were helping me. By the time they had lost interest Mylie had woken up and helped me cut out the rest of the cookies. Once it was time to frost, everyone was interested in helping out with that...and of course taking a finger scoop for themselves every now and then. What's the fun of making cookies if you don't get to sample along the way?


kerrfam6 said...

Powdered sugar - great idea. I'm going to try that when I make Gene's Christmas trees!!

Unknown said...

Nicole, this is Uncle Brett and I just love seeing your family grow. If follow you through Darci's blog. Great to have Christmas traditions and memories.
Have a Merry Christmas to you and your family,
Love Brett & Melodie