Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Knock, Knock

Hunter's recent thing is to tell knock knock jokes. After I picked him up from school last Thursday he told me his first one. It's hard not to laugh when he tells a joke because it's not funny. In fact, they really don't make any sense. After he tells a joke he busts up laughing and it's hard not to join him. Here are 2 that I remember:

Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Strawberry Who?
Strawberry Cake!

Knock, Knock
Who's there?
Kitchen Light
Kitchen Light Who?
Turn off the kitchen light!

We have tried to get him to tell us more but now he's embarrassed. I'll have to keep working on him to tell me more. I don't know if these are parts of jokes that someone has told him and he's forgotten the big punchline or if he's just making them up. I think I'll go with the second answer. Regardless, I love it. He makes me laugh!


Amanda said...

Haha that's so funny! I had a brother who did the same thing.

Unknown said...

I love the picture of Hunter, it's very fitting for telling jokes.

Gene and Susie said...

Hunter - you can tell me jokes any time. I love to laugh with you!!