Friday, April 16, 2010

Working Hard

As we have been working hard on the inside of our house we have recently started working on the outside of our house. Since I generally kill all living plants, I asked Kelly's Mom who always has a beautiful planter in front of her house, to help me plant a few flowers in my entry way. The picture on the left is Mylie's way of helping out. The picture on the right is what we had to work with. I should have taken the before picture of the huge mess of dead ugly plants but instead it's a picture of a cleaned out planter with one rose tree left. I attempted to transplant it into the pot that Mylie is sitting in but it looks like the transplant didn't take. In fact, my poor rose tree looks dead. See, I kill all plants. Kelly's mom helped me pick out flowers that would survive under my care. Before she left she told me I still needed to buy miracle grow and put it on the flowers not too long after planting. A few days later she asked me how my flowers were doing. I told her a few of them looked good but a lot of them looked like they were dying despite my efforts to keep them well watered. When she asked me if I had bought my miracle grow yet I had realized the reason for my flowers poor growth. After buying the miracle grow, spreading it on and watering, the results were almost instant. My flowers looked better and are growing beautifully.

I realize now that I should have removed my sign so you could see all my flowers...I make myself laugh sometimes.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

At least I am not the only woman with a black thumb!! I can't keep plants alive very well either. Looks great though!!!