Monday, June 21, 2010

Birthday Party for Mylie....a little late

Mylie's real 2nd birthday was February 2nd. So much was happening around that time that we decided to postpone her big family birthday party until we moved into our new house. Little did we know that it was going to take us months to get settled and feel our house was clean and fixed "enough" for us to entertain. So, we FINALLY celebrated her 2nd Birthday. It was just a small little party but Mylie had a good time and that is all that matters. For those of you wondering, No, this wasn't the only party we had for her. We did have a small little party for her on her actual birthday with cake and presents. She wasn't forgot about.
One of Mylie's new favorites this year is Curious George. Since moving we had spent a lot of time at Steve and Carolyn's house while Hunter and Kora were at school near our old apartment. They would turn on Curious George for the girls and they love it. When we went to pick out party decorations Mylie saw the Curious George decorations and headed straight towards them. So, we had a Curious George birthday for Mylie with a Banana Cake. When I told Kelly I was going to make a banana cake his first reply was "No". Once I told him it would only be in the shape of a banana and have no banana in it he didn't have a problem with it.
Here is a picture with Great-Grandpa and the kids.
This is the party girl, passed out on the couch. Sadly, the nap made her a little grumpy when she woke up.
This last picture is the kids with Grandma and Nani. It was a fun party. There was even a little neighbor boy who celebrated with us, but we have no pictures of him. Kelly and the kids were playing baseball on the front yard and a little boy, about Hunter's age came over to play and watch. Kelly invited him to Mylie's party. His mom wasn't too sure about letting him come over to a stranger's house but she eventually let him and he was so cute. Kelly said he would imitate Michael Jackson and dance. So, now the kids have a new little buddy in the neighborhood.


Gene and Susie said...

I thought, perhaps, you'd post THE video. How can such a cute tiny little girl make SO MUCH NOISE? Hilarious!

Nunazuna said...

Ha! I think it's sooo funny that you still did a party! You're an awsome mom! 2 parties for the 2 year old! Cute banana cake!