Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I really should have put this post after the Angel's Game post because it actually happened the same night. The other events I posted after were just more important so I thought this one could be postponed a few days. The picture on the right is from our backyard. As we were driving home from the Angels game we saw a huge orange fire from the freeway . The whole time I remember hoping the fire was some other mountain and not ours. Once we got home I realized it WAS our mountain that was on fire. Here are a few pictures. I still don't know how the fire started but there were plenty of news helicopters and it did get some news coverage. The only thing that made this fire not SO scary was the fact that there was no wind. If there had been wind it might have been a lot worse. This last picture is from our Bedroom window. It's a really pretty view normally but as you can see it's a little blackened. When we first moved here is was a beautiful green. The only good thing that came out of the fire was the fact that now it's done and we really don't have to worry about our mountain catching fire again during this years fire season.

1 comment:

Gene and Susie said...

You know, even with the fire damage, it's still beautiful.